There is one more company PlayStation should be thinking of buying

MVW Encyclopedia
4 min readFeb 12, 2022

Bungie is a good first step. This one might be even better.

After the horrifying announcement of Microsoft buying Activision, we all knew it was a matter of time before PlayStation responded. One of the three titans in the video game sphere couldn’t simply stay still sucking their thumbs dry.

In the ultimate “fuck you” towards Microsoft, PlayStation bought the beloved developer Bungie. A relatively young studio, the big news about this is that Bungie started its life creating what is arguably the most identifiable game within Microsoft’s catalogue: the Halo franchise.

Credit: Bungie

Events such as these makes it very clear to me that the world of gaming is changing at a disturbing pace. Xbox may tweet all they want that the “console wars” are over and they’re all now hugging each other while singing Kumbaya.

But it certainly doesn’t seem that way.

The more time passes, the bigger the TBTF giants get while the smaller tend to disappear either by being bought out or simply destroyed by the competition. If you care to know more about the implications of



MVW Encyclopedia

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